Glow Text Generator

Glow text generator – Low wind speed generator – Qr code generator with image

Glow Text Generator


  • A thing that generates something, in particular
  • A dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy into electricity
  • An apparatus for producing gas, steam, or another product
  • engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction
  • someone who originates or causes or initiates something; “he was the generator of several complaints”
  • an apparatus that produces a vapor or gas


  • freshness: an alert and refreshed state
  • Have an intense color and a slight shine
  • Have a heightened color or a bloom on the skin as a result of warmth or health
  • Give out steady light without flame
  • have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; “Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna”
  • emit a steady even light without flames; “The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden”


  • A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form
  • A piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying the authentic or primary form of a particular work
  • a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; “the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon”
  • textbook: a book prepared for use in schools or colleges; “his economics textbook is in its tenth edition”; “the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy”
  • the words of something written; “there were more than a thousand words of text”; “they handed out the printed text of the mayor’s speech”; “he wants to reconstruct the original text”
  • Written or printed words, typically forming a connected piece of work

glow text generator

I will find an empty well and build a house next to it

I will find an empty well and build a house next to it
(Utrecht 2006 Resident, Centrum Maliebaan, The Black Forest)

How one lives your life determines to a large extent how your life will be.
It is all good and well saying it.
They are trying here at the clinic to restore the balance.
The first thing in the morning is exercises. Get the blood flow, the limbs loose.
In the early morning the forest looks black, like a charcoal sketch.
It is getting really cold.
Thru the forest down to the trees I’m saying to myself and touch my feet.
Breakfast. One is not to engage in lengthy conversations at breakfast.
The Dutch have an opinion even on that.
Like the bargirl that told me that we are allowed to smoke inside the Café. However only tobacco, not cigars. The “Dutch nose” as she referred to it does not agree with the smell of cigars.
At breakfast if you help yourself with sliced cheese not using your fork they will whack you over the fingers. Trying to restore the proper flow. The manner one helps oneself with sliced cheese is important. Just yield to advice I tell myself. Let’s face it. And let me say it sincerely – it is of deep seated importance how one behaves at table. I’m all ears.
As close as I get to an inner appreciation at times. As close, there it is as well, something bad, something utterly irresponsible. I’m convinced if they cut open my ribs there will be a faint glow of something that’s going to say fuck it.
But as I brushes pass other people in the ziekenhuis in the alley on our way to the morning urine check, I am glad to say I can feel at least certainty of decision.
My erratic decision generator grinded to a firm halt.
Going forward I will need to pass on a couple of small pleasures in life.
After breakfast – time for talks with our mentor. We are plastered to our seats and give everyone a chance to share his point of view. If someone talks you listen. It is allowed to bring coffee into the room. They treat coffee here as a gift from the gods. So I’m sipping my coffee and listen. It is easier than you think to empathize with other people if you just shut up. In the grander scheme of things of course it is of minimal importance if some lady in a clinic did not had a good nights rest. But I have no choice. So I listen. And other people’s problems are very refreshing to me. Man is perhaps not an island. This brotherhood business is quite new to me. I look at sweet little Lilian on the other side of the table not saying much. Shrugging her pointed shoulders. I guess girls like that snap their fingers and men pursue. But I have other stuff on my mind for now. Going to bed at night my head is so drained that I just fall asleep. Its all been sort of spiritual for me, not that I really know what to make of that word. Put it like that. One of my friends told me this one time. He said sex is spiritual. I laughed at that. I will solve that problem whichever way comes to hand. Name it. Hookers, I don’t care. Spiritual my ass.
But listening to guitar as unobstructed as for example in Tiger Mountain Peasant Song I must ask myself – What exactly do I know now about anything spiritual.
I walk around and to a degree I will kill. I won’t, but I will.
My so-called is spirit is definitely not aligned with so-called Mother Nature.
Here at the clinic I find myself quite concerned with the little problems people have every day. I’m strangely touched actually to see so many people fucked up – and proceeding with life. One should not expect too much as my colleague remarked.

I will:
1) Find an empty well.
2) Build a house next to it.
3) Stay in it. In the well.
4) I will Listen.

A week ago I locked myself in my room to perish. Drink till you die, dance till you drop.
Four days of that. It took me about 4 days to get in really bad shape. I left a copy of my Koji Suzuki book The Ring outside the apartment as per Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumb strategy. Like Houellebeck said, losing the will to live alas does not imply that one gain the will to die. If someone would be looking for me they would add up this is where I’m at. As per Houellebeck. A life of reading would have suited me best. So I text my colleague “Honestly, I have given up” and switch my phone off, placing my bets.

magazine copy

magazine copy
1. Shine Magazine Cover
2. First, I got a picture of lauren conrad because she is awesome. This is my bg image. Then, using the text tool, I added all of the texts that i wanted my magazine to say. I found ideas by searching magazine ideas on google. Then, i made each text a different font style and size, and added strokes to almost all of them to make them stand out. For some of the texts, I added an outer glow. Then, I grabbed pictures of a purse, and makeup to advertise some makeup. Then, i used a barcode generator to make a barcode that said Shine Magazine.
3. I like this because its a girly magazine, and i got my inspiration with all of the different colors from Seventeen Magazine! ( My fav! )